Clean It Right Certified Businesses

Trainee Comments


Clean it Right is very educative and informative. I would recommend it for anyone who is wants to work in the hospitality business to go through it. Thank you for this great course.
        — Lara

It helped me learn the right way of cleaning things and why it is important to clean particular areas at our business.
        — Joseph

The online course was amazing. I would recomend it to anyone.
        — Cape Breton Partnership

What a great tool for any business to have! I highly recommend this training program for anyone – from office staff to janitorial technicians.
        — Anup

We like just way things are going right now and can't wait to complete this course. It's an amazing opportunity.
        — RTW Big River

Educational and interactive!
        — Jade

Thank you for this opportunity to take this Clean It Right program to update and refresh my knowledge in cleaning, disinfecting and sanitizing procedures. I can now apply what I have learned from this program.
        — Wilfredo

Thank you Clean It Right - Restaurant and Food Services for this online training about cleanliness. It is very important especially now that there is a pandemic to practice and do the proper way of cleaning to avoid cross contamination and illnesses caused by germs and dirty surroundings.
        — Rovelyn

I'm glad I got the opportunity to take this course! I really learned a lot about what it means to maintain a clean and safe environment at my place of work!
        — Walter

This training should be required of all businesses. Not enough people follow these procedures and/or even know they exist. Whoever put this together does amazing work. Thank you.
        — Whidden Park Ltd.

I enjoyed learning new ideas and ways to improve cleaning procedures. I would definitely do this again for a refresher if possible.
        — June

So great to be able to do this online with the ability to study and resume where I left off. Also, very detailed teaching.
        — Leslie

I am very pleased to be part of this training and examination. Now I am confident that I am doing the proper cleaning procedure. I would definitely apply everything I have learned in this training so I would be one of the people who could cease the spread of virus or any cross contamination. Thank you once more and I hope everyone not only working in the hotel or restaurant industry would take this training – but everybody as well, so we can all fight the virus.
        — The Atlas Hotel

It is a very positive experience and it's updated with latest instruction regarding Covid19.
        — Destination Employment NB

It is really important to enhance cleaning during our daily tasks process to provide a safer place for everyone during, even after the pandemic. It is the right time to launch this useful training. Thank you!
        — Jinwen

As chief engineer of a facility, initially I thought; "what do I have to do with a 'Clean It Right' course? Everything is taken care of by cleaners, safety coordinators, and other general guidelines." However, as I went through, it was worth taking. Although very basic, the point is that we are now living in changing times and new realities with COVID-19, and must beat it/minimize it.
        — Kaleem

This is very helpful, especially for employees that haven't worked in a retail business before ... and it's also useful as a refresher for employees who have been in retail for a long time.
        — Karissa

The course was informative and the information was clear and easy to follow. We will definitely use some of these materials to improve our existing protocol.
        — Trisha

Helpful and so relevant in this time of a pandemic.
        — Easter

Thank you for letting me take advantage of this course. It is a helpful tool to enhance my ability and know-how in cleaning procedures. This not only benefits the Company but personally as well, especially in this time of covid-19 pandemic. It feels more comfortable, safer, and protected when doing the right thing ...
        — Jorge

I'm now equipped with techniques and procedures for safe cleaning. This will further enhance my knowledge in the hospitality industry.
        — Doris

It's amazing!
        — Arturo

I'm so glad to gain more knowledge in proper cleaning, sanitizing and disinfecting surfaces – especially in public areas. The Clean It Right program is a very important tool for everyone to keep their work environment clean and fresh.
        — Decerie

This is a fantastic, thorough, online training program for all my staff! Thanks for helping keep up with training for COVID 19 disinfection.
        — Jeff

Enjoyed this course – I would recommend all managers to do it as it gives good insight on cleanliness, processes, techniques and what needs to be checked on priority during this changing times. For team members, it is a great way to take them through the whole cleaning process again and make all more focused on cleanliness.
        — Sandeep

I was very impressed with this course. It really opened my eyes to the true way of cleaning and how it can affect everyone in a business. THANK YOU!
        — Laurie

Thank you for helping us focus our cleaning on the areas of the office that we may not have thought of.
        — Stephanie

Course was extremely helpful to promote cleanliness in our establishment. Well done!
        — Bob

This was a more in-depth look at cleaning practices and I enjoyed the exam.
        — Keri

I believe this is an excellent teaching tool for everyone not just people in the food industry.
        — Margo

Good job on giving cleaning checklist. Would definitely use them for our company.
        — Ruth

Thank you for offering an opportunity for this certificate so that students of the Elmwood's Canadian Academy of Travel and Tourism can receive and succeed in the future. 
        — Jane

Thank you for offering this course, it is very good to get a refresher on common cleaning practices. In a time of a pandemic it makes you feel more secure that you are doing the right things to make your guests, staff and business more secure.
        — Megan

I'm so glad I answered all questions correctly in just one shot! Thanks for this training! It's very helpful, educational and timely!
        — Jenny

It is nice to know that every employee will experience training or questions like this – things that will really help them to be aware of the importance of cleanliness and sanitizing.
        — Eduard

This was a new experience and something to know for the future and beyond.
        — Andrew

It was a good experience, and I learned some new cleaning steps.
        — Amanpreet

Thank you for making this training available to all of Manitoba. Much appreciated.
        — Joelle

This training helps me better understand my role as a front desk clerk to help stem the spread of virus to coworkers or to guests. Very informative!!
        — Patrick

This is an amazing program that helps businesses prevent the spread of disease and create a clean and safe environment for their customers and employees.
        — Mykhaylo

Great learning experience. Gave me the opportunity to gauge my current level of cleaning and sanitizing to current standards. Particularly relevant to issues of cross contamination. Thanks for donating this course to small businesses like ours.
        — Richard

Every person in the food service and hospitality industries should be mandated to take this exam.
        — Ron

Very thorough, and flexible in terms of either re-reading material or attempting to correct a wrong answer.
        — Pam

Good service to offer. It will definitely increase awareness and effectiveness at our business.
        — Adam

A really smart way of learning proper cleansing and disinfection! I believe this is the best kind of training during this hard time. The things I learned are very informative and useful to keep in mind.
        — Mark

Excellent course with great aids to help businesses create/update their own cleaning policies.
        — DJ

This is an excellent program, that makes us re-think and evaluate the cleaning practices that we have automated over time. Thank you.
        — Camille

Clean It Right was a straightforward course and easy to understand. I would recommend everyone to take it. Not just F & B workers.
        — Julia

Thank you for creating this course so we can enhance our knowledge on cleaning procedures for our facilities. This will give our clients peace of mind to know we have done everything in our part to offer a safe and clean space to enjoy their holiday while staying at our bed and breakfast.
        — Monica